I picked Apollo up a week after his operation. I am sure he was pleased to see me and he walked onto the float. He was still sore obviously but walking pretty well on all four legs. We had put two stables in our barn a few years ago fortunately so we did have suitable housing for him. To be honest I wasn’t really sure about the rehabilitation conditions before the operation. I was in shock I think and didn’t really ask all the questions I should have. Anyway it wouldn’t have made any difference, I still would have gone ahead.
The timelines were six weeks in a stable, then six weeks in a small yard, then six weeks in a larger yard. After that he can start to resume normal life in the paddock. I don’t even know how the injury happened. Probably a freak kick, but he may have just slipped over, or bashed into something.
The first five weeks went pretty well. Apollo was very well behaved and seemed pretty happy in his stall. I would fill his hay net, check his water, clean his stall then do it all again a few hours later up until about 10 o’clock at night.
A horse can eat a lot of hay and pass a lot of manure in 24 hours! I had not really had a horse stabled 24/7 before so it was a bit of a shock. The operation did cost $5K as quoted. But Then there was a week at the clinic and drugs (another $1K) and all the other things I hadn’t thought about. Like sawdust. You can get sawdust in bulk but storage is difficult so I have been buying it in woolpacks at about $80 a time. I use about one and a bit a week. So, yes it was a bit more than I expected, but not too bad.
He had been perfectly behaved in the stable, and the only worry I had was a discharge from the wound after about a week, which required another 7 days of antibiotics (more $). After 5 weeks in the stable I took him back to the clinic to remove missed staples and x-ray (more $). A screw had moved (maybe when he was in recovery, post op), but all in all I was told it looked pretty good. He could now start going out into a yard.
By this time Apollo was feeling pretty good. Lively but not crazy. I put him into a small yard next to the stable and after about an hour he started to pig root and generally jump around. More exuberant than anything else but what was I meant to do? I confined him for another week in the stable before trying the yard again.
He seemed pretty good. Now I have had horses for over 40 years and consider myself to be pretty experienced, but of course I stuffed up. He had been about to see horses in the paddock a bit from his stable, but he could see them a lot from the yard. He raced up and down the yard a few times doing star jumps, then crashed through the gate. Brake failure rather than intentional I think. Anyway, what a stuff up. He cantered over to the paddock gate, then said hello to his mates.
I don’t know what if any damage was done. He seems perfectly sound. I confined him to barracks for another couple of days, then let him out again but with one of our older horses in another yard as a companion. That is of course what I should have done in the first place!